Private Coaching

Annual VIP Package (My Private Coach)

VIP Coach

Elevate Your Success with the Annual VIP Package for Executives

Unlock your true potential with the Annual VIP Package, an exclusive personal coaching experience designed specifically for executives, VIPs, and CEOs. Whether you’re a high-level professional or an influential leader, this journey is crafted for your growth and long-term success.

We will explore a range of transformative topics, tailored to your unique needs, including:

– Defining Your Life and Business Purpose: Gain clarity and direction in your personal and professional life.
– Entrepreneurial Support: Starting a new venture? Benefit from expert guidance from someone experienced in launching successful companies.
– Staying Motivated and Focused: We will help you stay driven, adapt your business strategy, and zero in on your goals to achieve tangible results. Think of us as your biggest fan and cheerleader.
– Career Transitions: Considering a career change or new executive role? Receive the long-term support necessary for a smooth and successful transition.
– Enhancing Relationships: Struggling with personal or professional relationships? Let’s work together to build more meaningful and fulfilling connections.
– Sparring Partner: Need a thought partner to challenge your ideas and strategies? I’ll be your sparring partner, offering constructive feedback and innovative perspectives.

This exclusive Annual VIP Package is valid for one year from the date of purchase. Enjoy unlimited, flexible conversations through phone, Zoom, or in-person (if we are in the same city).

To get started, schedule your free 1-hour session today, where we’ll discuss your goals and outline a personalized plan for your success.

Frequently Asked Questions

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. Coaching is a client-driven process. The coach’s responsibility is to:
• Discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve
• Encourage client self-discovery
• Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies
• Hold the client responsible and accountable
The coaching process helps clients improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.

If you want to take advantage of an opportunity or challenge, feel “stuck” on the path to achieving your goals or simply believe there is something more to discover in your personal or professional life, partnering with a professional coach could be beneficial for you.
According to the 2014 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study, the most frequently cited reasons for partnering with a coach were to optimize individual/team work performance (42%), expand professional career opportunities (33%) and increase self-esteem/self-confidence (31%).
Other common reasons for partnering with a coach include:
• Maximizing potential
• Defining strengths and weaknesses
• Improving business management strategies
• Managing work/life balance
A growing number of organizations are investing in coaching to help workers grow their skills, enhance their value and reach their professional goals. Organizational decision-makers report using coaching to augment the organization’s leadership development strategy; increase employee engagement; improve communication skills, teamwork and decision-making; and increase productivity.

Therapy deals with healing pain, dysfunction and conflict within an individual or in relationships. The focus is often on resolving difficulties arising from the past that hamper an individual’s emotional functioning in the present, improving overall psychological functioning, and dealing with the present in more emotionally healthy ways.
Coaching, on the other hand, supports personal and professional growth based on self-initiated change in pursuit of specific actionable outcomes. Coaching is future-focused, and the coaching relationship emphasizes action, accountability and follow-through.

Before you begin the process of hiring a coach, take the opportunity to reflect on your objectives for the coaching engagement. Being clear on your goals during the hiring process enables you to find the coach best-suited to help you reach them. Because coaching is a partnership, you should also consider how much value you place on collaboration, other viewpoints and new perspectives. Because coaching is a client-driven process, your buy-in is essential to ensure maximum results.
ICF recommends that you interview 2-3 coaches before you make a hiring decision. Ask each about his or her qualifications, experience and skills, and be sure to request at least two client references.
Consider asking the following questions of each prospective coach:
• What is your coaching experience (number of individuals coached, years of experience, types of coaching situations, etc.)?
• What is your coach-specific training?
• What is your coaching specialty or areas in which you most often work?
• What is your philosophy about coaching?
• What types of assessments are you certified to deliver?
• What are some of your coaching success stories (specific examples of individuals who have succeeded as a result of coaching)?

Professional coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes and managing personal change. Individuals or organizations retain consultants for their expertise. While consulting approaches vary widely, the assumption is the consultant will diagnose problems and prescribe and, sometimes, implement solutions. With coaching, the assumption is that individuals or teams are capable of generating their own solutions, with the coach supplying supportive, discovery-based approaches and frameworks.

No matter what race, gender, color: everyone is welcome at Growfused. The only thing that matters is, that you truly want to change your life and are willing to make changes in order to achieve what you are dreaming of. 

I offer Face-to-face coaching, Team-Coaching, Behind-the-scenes Coaching, Live-Action-Coaching

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