Systemo - Growfused
Systemo® Introduction – Get Better Results in a Shorter Time
Are you somebody who prefers to get into action instead of much talking? Then keep reading to learn what tools you can use in order to create amazing coaching results!

Systemo® Wege der Veränderung öffnen - New Tools

We decided a few years back to incorporate the tools from Systemo® into our work and offer this to our clients in order to give an even better, longer lasting effect and to work even deeper. These tools have been made by hand with a lot of love by people in need in a small place located in Germany. The products are made from domestic wood and from sustainable forestry and the smell and touch of these products are simply amazing. These tools can be used in a personal context as well as in a business setting.

Success factors in a business context can be determined and evaluated, in a personal setting a review of the fundamental areas of life are looked at as well as conflicts and difficult matters to the client. Another product we are excited to offer, is a tool which helps to make belief systems visible, this helps clarify the effect of the belief in a system.  New belief systems can be found and integrated easily by the client. The last and final tool is a Systemic Constellation Board. This board can be used in a a business and  private setting in order to visualize systems. 

Everything in life rotates around relationships. Success depends mainly on how good these relationships are managed

On a Systemic Constellation Board we can show you, who is standing where and how the whole system works together. Nothing is isolated in life, everything is connected with each other. After analyzing the system, we will help the client make changes to the system which will have an impact on all involved. This tool allows for unexpected and amazing results, which have manifested on a factual level, but can be only solved on a relationship level.

After the session we will send you a professional documentation of the results and actions by email, to make sure you don’t forget the outtake. Its also great for an evaluation at a later point, what exactly has changed. 


We have used all these 5 tools and it was amazing to see the outcome. It is truly fascinating and at the same time it is fun and digs deep to the roots of where problems exist. We can even really recommend this to people who are not really into the Coaching thing, and only want to do some work with these tools. These tools are also very useful for executives and leaders who tend to be very brain focused.

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