1. Recognize typical stressors
Typical stressors are: Information overload or lacking information, deadline pressure, constant accessibility, uncertainty, worries about the future, high performance requirements, little scope of action, lack of recognition and appreciation, difficulties with the compatibility of family and career, social conflicts, too little time to recharge and life events. In a crisis our stress competencies and resilience may suffer. Everybody has a different sensibility to stress and everybody experiences it in a different way. A lot of people simply ignore the warning signals until there is no more exit. The first important signs of dealing with too much stress is insomnia and a lack in drive or motivation.
2. Exercise your stress competency
The level of how you perceive stress has a lot to do with how you evaluate a situation, how difficult you think the situation is and what competencies you have gained from a young age in order to deal with the situation. If you are stuck and can not deal with it by yourself a Coach could help you. Attitude, valuation, thoughts and thought patterns can be very obstructive.
3. Accept stress as also something positive
We all experience stress and it belongs to a certain extent to life. Only if you experience challenge and overcome this you can gain confidence and contentment. It is not helpful to simply try to disable all kind of stressors indeed it’s important to learn how to deal with them. In learning how to deal with them you can build regenerative, mental and instrumental stress competencies and build resilience for the future. The more variety and diverse these are, the better! But again, if you experience the above mentioned symptoms it’s time to get some help.
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